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Shine Bright: Embracing Your Role as Life's AkashKandil

  When your culture teaches you how to live life"      Akash kandil' holds a very important value in our culture doesn't it. It is the vital element that completes Diwali. No matter how busy stressed or frustrated you are. You always make time to go and buy AkashKandil because Diwali cannot be started without it. Throughout the 7 days of diwali, the AkashKandil makes the nights seem brighter than broad daylight. It brings you hope, it brings you light.       But what happens after Diwali...? The same AkashKandil that gave the most important festival of your culture a feeling of completeness, is now forgotten. Its light is not even turned on...because it is not needed anymore. You don't even use the same AkashKandil next year. It just sits in a corner of some storage cupboard and let's itself be covered in dust. Because it wasn't needed anymore.      More often than not in life, you are the AkashKandil to some people. You feel as if they come into your life and
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