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        The little tiny blue dot, our Earth stands as a unique ecosystem
comprising of various types of wildlife. One of them being-
the animals, these animals can both be horrendous as hell and also kind
as heaven. There are some extinct species that our being brought back
from extinction like the Passenger Pigeon, and the Dodo. These are a
matter of fact that, they have gone extinct by means of human approach.
All these animals going extinct such as the Dodo it is a great example of
what forensic scientists are working on. The Dodo found by the Dutch
soldiers around the year 1600 on an island in the Indian ocean went
extinct in less than 80 years by human approach.
            Forensic scientists have till now brought Pyrenean ibex back to life from
extinction. The Pyrenean ibex  common name bouquetin, was one of the
four subspecies of the Iberian ibex or Iberian wild goat, a species endemic to
the  Pyrenees .the Pyrenean ibex so far has been the only animal that has been
brought back to life, and also there are some more animals that the scientists
are trying to bring back from extinction such as the woolly mammoth,
gastric-brooding frog, quagga and finally the last one the thylacine. You
might be thinking that just like the ibex we should bring back them too
but it is not like that to bring back the animal we must have its body along
with all the body parts. Wait it just does not end here we also must get its
heart in its own respective conditions too.
            Still…… We are not able to save the animals from going extinct in fact now
we are the ones making them go extinct by deforesting, destroying their
habitats. Some animals like the royal Bengali Tiger will soon go extinct by
the rate they are been hunted ad killed for their skin that sells for a
fortune. One Horned Rhinos one of the most endangered species will be
extinct by the end of 2026 if they are continued to be hunted for their
tusks . Amur Leopard the most endangered species on the planet which
are supposed that they will be extinct by the end of 2024
        Here are a few more points:-
1.Project Tiger: launched in 1973, aims to protect the Bengal tiger and its

2.WWF is working in both India and Nepal to conserve greater one-horned
rhinos to 3000- spread out our seven protected areas

3.WildCats Conservation Alliance works with corporate supporters and
members of the public to the raise essential funds for wild Amur leopard.
And many more such organizations doing commendable work on
conservation of animals
We, as youth of today and citizens of tommorow’s India can contribute by
volunteering at one or more such organizations to protect the animals.

Thanks to such places an volunteers the work at them, one person can
make a difference

We only have one Earth so we all need to do our part.

In the end there is only one message I want everyone to know about, even 

though the scientists are bringing the extinct species back but still, we

should not harm any species and we should always try not to take an

animal to its extinct period.

Blog by - 

Arya Nawal – 6B ICSE 

Wisdom High Group of Schools 

(Serene Meadows Campus ) Nashik 


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